

This is an early version of the package. The API might change when new features are implemented. Therefore make sure you use an exact version in your package.json/requirements.txt before it reaches 1.0.0.

const policy = {
  Version: '2012-10-17',
  Statement: [
    new statement.Ec2()
      .ifAwsRequestTag('Owner', '${aws:username}'),
    new statement.Ec2()
      .ifResourceTag('Owner', '${aws:username}'),
    new statement.Ec2() //
const policy = {
  Version: '2012-10-17',
  Statement: [
    new statement.Cloudformation() // allow all CFN actions
    new statement.All() // allow absolutely everything that is triggered via CFN
    new statement.S3() // allow access to the CDK staging bucket
    new statement.Account() // even when triggered via CFN, do not allow modifications of the account
    new statement.Organizations() // even when triggered via CFN, do not allow modifications of the organization